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stephanie smith realtor italy

stephanie smith realtor italy

A Turkish/Italian American who grew up in the coastal Connecticut suburbs, Stephanie K. Smith was first in her family to go to college and graduated at 20, blissfully unaware of the fine print on her student loans. This apartment immersed in a setting of incomparable beauty overlooks one of the symbols of this island. Stephanie Smith is an amazing realtor! Whether you're looking to buy, sell, lease or rentI'm the agent for you! "For Rent":"For Sale";return c},getMonthlyPayment:function(e,t,r){return 0==r?e/t:e*r*Math.pow(1+r,t)/(Math.pow(1+r,t)-1)},getAffordabilityHomePrice:function(e){if(!e||"Object"==typeof e)return null;var t=+e.interestRate.toFixed(10),r=e.loanTerm,n=e.income/12*e.debtToIncome-e.monthlyDebts;n=n.toFixed(10);var a=+(e.annualPropertyTax/12).toFixed(10)+ +(e.annualHomeownersInsurance/12).toFixed(10)+ +(e.annualMortgageInsurance/12).toFixed(10)+e.hoaFees;a=parseInt(a,10);var o=Math.pow(1+t,r);o=+o.toFixed(10);var i=(o-1)/(t*o)||0;return i=+i.toFixed(10),e.downPayment+(n-a)*i},isOpenHouseNow:function(e){var t,r,n,a;if(!e||"object"!=typeof e)return!1;var o=(null===(t=e.startDateUtc)||void 0===t?void 0:t.raw)||e.startDate.raw,i=(null===(r=e.endDateUtc)||void 0===r?void 0:r.raw)||e.endDate.raw,s=new Date,l=s.getTime();null!==(n=e.startDateUtc)&&void 0!==n&&n.raw&&null!==(a=e.endDateUtc)&&void 0!==a&&a.raw&&(l+=6e4*s.getTimezoneOffset());var u=new Date(o).getTime(),c=new Date(i).getTime();return l>=u&&l<=c}},a.themes={key:"data-theme",preset:"theme-1",load:function(e){if(e===this.preset||$("link[".concat(this.key,"='").concat(e,"']")).length)return!1;a.handlebars.loadCSS("themes/".concat(e,".css"),null,{key:this.key,value:e}),$("html").attr("data-theme",e)},unload:function(e){if($("html").attr("data-theme")===e){var t;$("html").attr("data-theme",this.preset),null===(t=$("link[".concat(this.key,"='").concat(e,"']")))||void 0===t||t.remove()}}},a.propertyAddress={getAddress:function(e,t,r,n,a){return{fullStreetAddress:e,fullStreetAddressWithoutUnit:this.getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit(e,t),unitNumber:t? The information set forth on this site is based upon information which we consider reliable, but because it has been supplied by third parties to our franchisees (who in turn supplied it to us), we can not represent that it is accurate or complete, and it should not be relied upon as such. Conceived in the belief that home and living in full are inextricably entwined. Bachelor of Science (BSc) ( Business Administration with specialization in Finance), If you're not automatically redirected, please click here. This stunning luxury villa for sale is in the magical Capri, in the exclusive, intimate town of Anacapri, and offers one of the best views of the island and the Gulf of Naples. They are thus able to meet any kind of request by proposing very personal and exclusive solutions. She began her real estate career in the Las Vegas construction industry, then shifted to residential real estate and investing. {raw:t,string:"#"+t}:null,city:r,state:n,zip:a,cityState:(r?r+", ":"")+(n?n+" ":""),cityStateZip:(r?r+", ":"")+(n?n+" ":"")+(a||"")}},getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit:function(e,t){return t&&t.toString().length>0?e.split(" #")[0]:e},getBeds:function(e){return e?{raw:e,string:e.toString(),label:1==e? Her first original novel, WRECKED, was released via Audible Originals in July 2022. All Rights Reserved. :\?|\&)([^=]+)\=([^&]+)/g;t=n.exec(e);)r=r||{},r[t[1].toLowerCase()]=decodeURIComponent(t[2]);return r},parseUrl:function(e){if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)return null;var t=/^(http:|https:)?(?:\/\/)?(([^\/\:]+)?(?:(?:\:)([\d]+))?)?(\/[^\s\?]*)(\?[^\#\s]+)? 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In Rome's elegant Parioli residential area, an exclusive district that is full of charm and elegance, there is this luxury estate for sale at a stone's throw from the city centre. Leave your request and we'll contact you in the next 24 hours. In the northern part of Rome, in one of the city's most exclusive residential areas, there is this majestic property for sale on the outskirts of the city centre. (\#\S+)?$/i,r=e.match(t);return r? Your time is valuable. 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I specialize and get great enjoyment out of helping others buy and sell REAL ESTATE. "$".concat(a.string.getShortNumber(e)):"$".concat((e/1e6).toString(),"M")}}),o=[],i=0;i<=1e4;i+=100)o.push(i);o.push(1e8);var{return{value:e,label:"$".concat(a.string.getShortNumber(e))}}),l={sale:{min:n.slice(0,-1),max:n.slice(1)},rent:{min:s.slice(0,-1),max:s.slice(1)}};return[]={label:"$5M+",value:1e8},[].label="$10K+",l},getYearBuiltOptions:function(){for(var e=new Date,t=e.getFullYear(),r=[];t>=2014;)r.push(t),t-=1;r=r.concat([2010,2005,2e3,1990,1980,1970,1960,1950,1925,1900]);var{return{value:e,label:e}}),a={min:_toConsumableArray(n).reverse(),max:n};return a.max.unshift({label:"Any",value:3e3}),a.min.unshift({label:"Any",value:0}),a}},a.savedSearches={getSavedSearchUrl:function(e){var,r="",n="";if(e.boundaryEntity){switch(e.boundaryEntity.type_){case"HSAreaItem":n="/p_21,"+e.boundaryEntity.areaID;break;case"HSSchool":n="/p_26,";break;case"HSStreetArea":n="/p_51,"}r=e.boundaryEntity.url}var a="";if(e.bounds&&{var;a="/c_"","+o.lng.toString()}var i="/b_"+e.bounds.north+","+e.bounds.east+"-"+e.bounds.south+","+e.bounds.west,s="";e.criteria&&e.criteria.filters&&e.criteria.filters.shape&&e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons&&void 0!==e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons&&(s="/cp_"+encodeURIComponent(e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons));var l="";if(e.commuteTimePlaces){l="/ct_";for(var u=0;u0?t.push(n.minimum.toString()+"+ Beds"):n.maximum===n.minimum?t.push(n.minimum.toString()+" Beds"):n.minimum>0&&n.maximum<100&&t.push(n.minimum.toString()+"-"+n.maximum.toString()+" Beds");var a=r.filters&&r.filters.baths?r.filters.baths:{};0===a.minimum&&1===a.maximum?t.push("0-1 Baths"):1===a.minimum&&2===a.maximum?t.push("1-2 Baths"):2===a.minimum&&3===a.maximum?t.push("2-3 Baths"):3===a.minimum&&4===a.maximum?t.push("3-4 Baths"):4===a.minimum&&5===a.maximum?t.push("4-5 Baths"):5===a.minimum&&50===a.maximum?t.push("5+ Baths"):0===a.minimum&&0===a.maximum?t.push("0 Baths"):50===a.maximum&&a.minimum>0?t.push(a.minimum.toString()+"+ Baths"):void 0!==a.minimum&&a.maximum===a.minimum?t.push(a.minimum.toString()+" Baths"):a.minimum>0&&a.maximum<50&&t.push(a.minimum.toString()+"-"+a.maximum.toString()+" Baths");var o=r.filters&&r.filters.price?r.filters.price:{};if(o.minimum&&o.minimum.raw>0&&o.maximum&&o.maximum.raw<1e8?t.push(o.minimum.short+" - "+o.maximum.short):o.maximum&&o.maximum.raw<1e8?t.push("0&&t.push(">"+o.minimum.short),r&&r.filters&&{case 1:t.push("Today");break;case 2:t.push("Over 1 Week");break;case 3:t.push("Over 1 Month");break;case 4:t.push("Over 3 Months");break;case 5:t.push("Over 6 Months");break;case 6:t.push("Over a Year");break;case 7:t.push("Past Week");break;case 8:t.push("Past Month");break;case 9:t.push("Past 3 Months");break;case 10:t.push("Past 6 Months");break;case 11:t.push("Past Year");break;case 12:t.push("Tomorrow");break;case 13:t.push("This Week");break;case 14:t.push("Saturday");break;case 15:t.push("Sunday");break;case 16:t.push("This Weekend");break;case 17:t.push("This Week");break;case 18:t.push("Next Weekend")}return t=t.join(", "),e&&e.boundaryEntity? It is recommended that you hire a professional in the business of determining dimensions, such as an appraiser, architect or civil engineer, to determine such information. Situated on a high hill, offering panoramic sensational and unique views. Trying to do it all on your own can be burdensome. In the town of Lari. Similar Profiles, Stage Studentesco @ Trim Corporate Finance - TCF. This 2,000-hectare (5,000-acre) property is between Florence, Rome, Siena and Perugia, in areas that, over the centuries, have been governed alternately by Florentines and Senese people; the property, however, is currently between the provinces of Arezzo and Siena. 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It's our job to look after your best interests, and we will do so at no cost to you as a buyer. The offerings are subject to errors, omissions, changes, including price, or withdrawal without notice. ".5":".5+"),1!=e||t&&0!=t||(r.label="Bath")),r},getSqFt:function(e){return e? This stunning luxury villa with breathtaking views of the crystal-blue sea is for sale in the renowned town of Castiglioncello. Selling a house on your own can be an overwhelming task. As an investor herself, she has vast insider knowledge of the Chittenden County market and a passion for helping landlords obtain the most out of their investments. I would absolutely hire Stephanie and Nest VT again. And she did a great job communicating with us, taking photos, recording a virtual video walkthrough and then marketing the unit online through various channels. Franchise affiliates also benefit from an association with the venerable Sotheby's auction house, established in 1744. Submit. (business & personal). In the renowned town of Porto Cervo, just a few steps away from the town centre, there is this stunning villa with a pool for sale, offering panoramic views of the deep blue sea. (n.fill="#6F459B",n.stroke="#5B2E91"):(n.fill="#71bf44",n.stroke="#538c32"))),n},getSingleEntityTypeAndID:function(e){if(e){var t,r;return e.listing?(t=7, This wonderful 16th-century Venetian villa is for sale in the heart of Padua's countryside, just a few kilometers from the exclusive spa town of Abano Terme. Stephanie is a "very professional" realtor and she helped me and my wife tremendously with the purchase of the above property! I can be reached at 678.435.2701 I'm here to help you throughout your entire home buying and selling process. As an investor herself, she has vast insider knowledge of the Chittenden County market and a passion for helping landlords obtain the most out of their investments. This splendid castle at the door of Milan, was built in 1593 on the ruins of the old east tower, still visible today. Because the return on investment is huge: Zero hassle for us, and great tenants at the end of it all. accenture federal services salary san antonio; chelsea and westminster hospital contact number Luxury Italian Real Estate . ");return t.slice(t.length-2).join(". The process was smooth and hassle-free for us, even though it was all happening in the hectic early days of the pandemic. ", Stephine Organized, knowledgeable and friendly.. Stephanie Smith, Realtor. Oops, there was an error sending your message. Stephanie Smith Realtor at Silvercreek Realty Group Nampa, Idaho, United States. Stephanie Smith EXP Realty LLC 1230 Peachtree St. NE,Ste.1900 Promenade II Atlanta, GA 30309 Direct: 678-435-2701 Office: 888-959-9461 . As your Buyer's Representative, we can make the process of house hunting much easier and more efficient than if you did it all yourself. This charming luxury property for sale in Civitella Val di Chiana is surrounded by Tuscany's sweet rolling leafy hills, not far from the famous town of Arezzo. I am not typically one to write online reviews, but for Nest VT and Stephanie Aubert, I make an exception. Elegant apartment for sale in Venice, in one of the most exclusive areas of the city centre, with a wonderful view over the roofs of the city and San Marco's belltower. million verified professionals across 35 million companies. This prestigious castle overlooking the entire Gulf of Gaeta is for sale on Formia's hills, offering wonderful views of one of the most enchanting parts of Lazio's coast. A lavish first noble floor is for sale among the walls of a prestigious Venetian building, with wonderful views of the canals that cross the city. At Silvercreek Realty Group Nampa, Idaho, United States to buy, sell, lease rentI... ; return t.slice ( t.length-2 ).join ( `` of the pandemic Trim Corporate Finance -.! 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